Descent into London and off on a new journey

Versione italiana

Kettering, November 11th, 2015

One October day of 2007 my friend Natalia and I landed at Gatwick on an EasyJet flight. We had our lives compressed in 23 kilos of hold luggage, 15 kilos of cabin luggage and a one-way ticket to Victoria station, London. Same old story that brings together thousands of Europeans every week, not so exotic after all. Four months went by and I found a job with my dream company, although the position was in Rome, so I decided to go back to Italy. After a year and three months, the same company offered me a new position in London. It was 2009 and since then, the British capital has been my second home. Continue reading

London week 2 (English) – bubbles of water – August 14, 2009

The translation of the old posts continues. This one was written during my second week in London in 2009. After reading these posts again I have to admit, I didn’t start off with an open mind toward the new culture.

14 August 2009

Question: how many times one has to wear a new pair of shoes before they stop giving  blisters the size of a pizza Margherita? My feet are so sored like not even Jesus’s feet were on the Via Crucis (before the nails, of course)! I just hope that the strange coloured ointment Natalia gave me will bring some healing outcomes!

I suspect there have been more cases of sickness in the office after mine. Probably somebody even passed away because suddenly the temperature of the air conditioning is back to human tolerability.  Today I managed to count 14 rays of Sun and everybody kept saying “such a beautiful day today! It’s freaking hot in hear, why don’t we cool down the temperature a bit?”, to which I stole a look at my shotgun that I now keep underneath my desk and everybody just kept away from the AC controller. I’m sure that the micro-criminality problems that Italian immigrants brought to the United States during the past century were caused for the same reasons. Continue reading

LONDON – week 1 (English) – August 11, 2009

The following is the translation to the first post I wrote on August 11, 2009. When reading it, please try to consider of what was happening in the UK at that time (the Swine Flu) and that I had just arrived from Rome, thus I was much more typically Italian-behaved than I’m now.

London, August 11, 2009

First week came and went quite quickly, I have to say, probably because of the intensive training I’m going through. Continue reading