Elisa Fun Club concert – Florence, December 1, 2012

Versione italiana qui

If one more person across the Pond today knows Elisa, she definitely owes that to me. I had already tried to export her music within the non-Italian colleagues in London and for my last visit in Boston I made a compilation of her songs, a personal selection of mine, as a present to bring here. I don’t know whether her music will make the magic happen and will hit the target. I trust though that my feelings and emotions will be carried across through her songs.

As I have been asked to do, I’m translating the article below, which I wrote about a year ago after her concert in Florence. Continue reading

1.12.12: Raduno Elisa fun Club – Firenze

English version here

Esattamente una settimana fa, sabato 1 dicembre 2012, a quest’ora ero sulla A1 con mia sorella, direzione Firenze, per il raduno annuale dell’ Elisa Fun Club. Non avevo mai partecipato a nessun evento simile prima di allora e non sapevo cosa aspettarmi, se file chilometriche e interminabili prima di poter entrare, se di dover lottare con altre centinaia di fan per il posto migliore oppure un’esibizione semplice e raccolta, come il concerto di Daniele Silvestri a Londra. Continue reading